Surgical treatment results for low extremity peripheral nerves injuries in unsatisfied conditions for nerve regeneration


  • V. I. Tsymbaliuk Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • O. A. Goncharuk Kiev City Clinical Hospital № 1, Kiev, Ukraine


peripheral nerves, lower limbs, injury, surgery, regeneration


The treatment results in 244 patients, adults mostly, with low extremities peripheral nerves injuries were summarised. There were determined, that many factors influence on regeneration processes, including anatomic peculiarities of leg nerve trunks, heaviness of trunks trauma with damage surrounded tissues, haemodynamic disorders, frequent accompanied by purulent-necrotic, neurodistrophic, primary and secondary compression processes. Prior to reconstructive operations on injuried nerves, removing of these factors and their prophylactics are needed. The proposed number of modifications of reconstructive techniques in neurosurgery of low extremities peripheral nerves takes into account unsatisfied conditions for nerve regeneration. The applied method for summary evaluation of integral level of low extremity functional recovery is based on removed treatment results.


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How to Cite

Tsymbaliuk, V. I., & Goncharuk, O. A. Surgical treatment results for low extremity peripheral nerves injuries in unsatisfied conditions for nerve regeneration. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 59–64. Retrieved from



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