The anatomo-physiological substantiation and electro-physiological control of the ortotopic contralateral primary middle trunk neurotization from the healthy side at total plexitis with intradural СV–ТI counterfoils treating off
brachial plexus injury, surgery, electroneuromyographyAbstract
The stages of operative interference on reinnervation of humeral interlacement structures at total damage of СV–ТI spinal nerves are described. The possibility to use the spinal CVII nerve from the healthy side as the neurotizator is substantiated. The electro-physiological control was made on the stages of surgical treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2004 V. I. Tsymbaliuk, Yu. S. Lisaychuk, L. L. Chebotareva, N. A. Sapon

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