Level of 17-ketosteroids, 17-ketogenic steroids and it's ratio in the ingured persons with severe brain trauma depending on its course and treatment
severe traumatic brain injury, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, stress, adaptation, adrenal glands, corticosteroids, androgens, glucocorticoids, 17 ketosteroidsAbstract
82 paients with severe brain trauma were investigated in acute period of disease. The laboratory tests of 17-ketosteroids and 17-ketogenic steroids levels were carried out in daily urine with next evaluation of their ratio (17-KS/17-KGS). All patients after injury were in coma — (8,1±0,2) points by GCS. Surgical treatment with intracranial hematoma removal permitted the earlier (7–10 day) normalisation of androgenous and glucocorticoidal function of adrenal glands with decrease of 17-KS/17-KGS ratio 30–55 days after injury because of androgenes' deficit and glucocorticoids' spare. In patients with severe brain contusions revealed a glucocorticoids hormon deficit at 7–10 day and later (at 20–30 day) normalization of adrenal cortex function. The features of unfavourable course of injury are excessive oscillations of androgenes, increased level of glucocorticoids and decreased ratio 17-KS/17-KGS in early terms (1–10 day) after trauma.
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