Correction of endogenic intoxication associated with cranio-cerebral injury
craniocerebral trauma, endogenous intoxication, mannitol, sorbilactAbstract
Severe cranio-cerebral injury is associated with endogenic intoxication. In this cose intensive care includes intravenous infusion, for example osmodiuretics and, at the last time, sorbilact.
44 patients with severe cranio-cerebral injury were examined. Treatment of the first group includes mannit (18 patients), treatment of the second one — sorbilact (26 patients). The haemodynamics and endogene intoxication indicates: leucocyts quantity, leucocytic intoxication index, peptides with middle mass molecules, erythrocytic membranae penetration, erythrocytic sorbtion ability were studied. It was shown, that mannit and, specially, sorbilact application decrease endotoxicosis severity, that is proved by normalisation of these indicates.
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