Active draining operative wound as method of the preventive maintenance epidural and subaponeurotical hematoma at treatment of patients with glioma of supratentorial localizations


  • S. N. Lysenko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine


глиомы супратенториальной локализации, хирургическое лечение, эпидуральная гематома, подапоневротическая гематома, дренирование, активно-аспирирующая система


The method of the preventive maintenance epidural and subaponeurotical hematoma, concluding in during final stage surgical operation in epidural and subdermal space is implanted actively-draining systemis presented. The system is a double-circuit when performing on Zutter — Olivekron trepanation, or one-circuit — when performing on Vagner — Volf trepanation, with implantation draining tubes in epidural space. The system works in early postoperative period (during first 24 hours after operation).

The use this method have allowed to reduce the risk of the postoperative epidural and (or) subaponeurotical hematoma appearance at surgical treatment patients with glioma of supratentorial localizations.


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How to Cite

Lysenko, S. N. Active draining operative wound as method of the preventive maintenance epidural and subaponeurotical hematoma at treatment of patients with glioma of supratentorial localizations. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 30–33. Retrieved from



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