Dynamics of psychopathology after focal frontal lobe no dominant hemisphere head injury


  • O. I. Hryshchuk Lviv City Clinical Emergency Hospital, Lviv, Ukraine


traumatic brain injury, psychopathological changes, computer psychodiagnosis


According to performed analysis of indeces of 28 patients with frontal lobe dominant hemisphere head injury difference psychopathology syndromes discovered in 96,4% cases by computer psychognosis method. It is first of all disorders of memory and IQ, depression, cerebrasthenia and  difference kind of psychopathia. We showed definitive dependence between localization of injury and kind of psychopathology syndromes. Appearing this disorders gives us possibility to predict the prognosis and to create circumstances for effective rehabilitation, promotes improving of the level of life. 


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How to Cite

Hryshchuk, O. I. Dynamics of psychopathology after focal frontal lobe no dominant hemisphere head injury. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 44–47. Retrieved from https://theunj.org/article/view/137816



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