Experimental morphological and biochemical substantiation of cryopreserved embryonal nervous cells application in epilepsy surgical treatment
epilepsy, neurotransplantation, experimental modelAbstract
Morphological and biochemical research of the shifts occuring in epileptic rats brain under the action of cryopreserved embryonic nervous cells suspension's transplantation in the area of the experimental penicillin epileptic center in a hippocampus is carried out.
It is shown, that cryopreserved embryonic nervous cells not only keep viability after a transplantation, but also able to neuronal differentiation.
The transplantation of cryopreserved embryonic nervous cells renders essential influence on the maintenance of biogenic amines in a brain stem of epileptic rats. The downstroke of the dopamine and serotonin maintenance to subnormal levels is observed, that it is possible to survey as an attribute of convulsive readiness decrease. Besides, the neurotransplantation causes the essential increase of audiogenic convulsive readiness threshold.
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