CT-stereotactic hyperkinetic disorders treatment
stereotactic neurosurgery, extrapyramidal hyperkinesis, CT stereotactic calculations, neurotransplantation, pallidostimulyatsiya cryopreserved fetal nerve cellsAbstract
This work is dedicated to the diagnostics and surgical treatment of different kinds of extrapyramidal discinesions. Nearest and further of 38 patients treatment results, using different methods of stereotactic operations were learned and analyzed. The findings indicated high effectiveness of CT-stereotactical embryonic tissue neurotransplantation in combination with palydostimulation. It was defined, that the evidence for combined treatment of patients with extrapyramidal dysfunctions depends on discinesions form. This method is characterized by high accuracy of stereotactical calculations, non-invasive surgical operation, and negative consequences for patients absence. The proposed method needs future studding and improvement.
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Copyright (c) 2005 V. I. Sypitiy, I. А. Kutovoy, A. Y. Petrenko, А. V. Genkin

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