A modern view on pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia


  • Yu. Yu. Chomolyak Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
  • V. I. Smolanka Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine




невралгія трійчастого нерва, судинна компресія нервів, демієлінізація, мікроваскулярна декомпресія трійчастого нерва


The development and modern view points on trigeminal neuralgia etiology and pathogenesis are presented.

The role of the trigeminal root-entry zone demyelination is stated. The optimal method of treatment is the trigeminal nerve decompression and nerve remyelination maintenance.


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How to Cite

Chomolyak, Y. Y., & Smolanka, V. I. (2005). A modern view on pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 78–80. https://doi.org/10.25305/unj.132310



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