Anatomy-functional criteria and treatment-and-diagnostic algorhythm of peripheral nerves of the low extremities damage


  • O. O. Goncharuk Kiev City Clinical Hospital № 1, Kiev, Ukraine



нижня кінцівка, периферійний нерв, нервовий стовбур, пошкодження, діагностично-лікувальний алгоритм


Criteria of the low extremities peripheral nerves functioning are determined in norm and at their damage. The most important factors which influence on peripheral nerve regeneration are allocated. The treatment-and-diagnostic algorhythm is created, in a view of the natural and acquired negative factors for regeneration of operated nerve.

Viability of the offered algorhythm was checked up surgical treatment of 244 patients with damage of nervous columns of the low extremities using modern surgical methods.

Positive treatment results are received at more than 70% of the patients.


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How to Cite

Goncharuk, O. O. (2005). Anatomy-functional criteria and treatment-and-diagnostic algorhythm of peripheral nerves of the low extremities damage. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 46–49.



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