The сhanges of free-radical activity in children and teenagers suffering from epilepsy and the rehabilitation normobaric hypoxytherapy influence on pro- and antioxidative status
епілепсія, перекисне окиснення ліпідів, гіпоксія, загальна антиоксидантна активністьAbstract
The activity markers of free-radical oxidation and antioxidative status in blood of children and teenagers suffering from different forms of epilepsy, which were subjected to generally established conservative or neurotherapy, were studied The considerable changes of pro- and antioxidative status, namely the inhibition of general antioxidant activity and activation of free-radical oxidation in the course of disease development were noticed. In our experimental study we used blood, plasma and homogenized brain tissue of rats. The solution of bemegride was injected to animals to initiate the elevated convulsive readiness, and the study of pro- and antioxidative status markers was carried out in 16 days after injection. As a factor, that promoted correction and increased pro- and antioxidative status, normobaric hypoxic training of animals was used.
In the course of our experiments, we observed the increase of free-radical oxidation and elevation of SOD and catalase activity, which was accompanied by general antioxidant activity decrease. Further, under influence of hypoxic training, the normalization of pro- and antioxidative processes, disturbed because of increased convulsive activity after bemegride injection, was obtained.
We came to conclusion that the general antioxidative activity should be taken into account while carrying out antioxidant correction. It should be also mentioned that neurotherapy accepted course does not promote the sufficient restoration of pro- and antioxidative status, that has to be corrected with antioxidants or other agents application.
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Copyright (c) 2005 D. A. Sutkovoy, O. O. Laponogov, G. A. Kevorkov, A. B. Dmytrenko, A. N. Morozov, A. D. Sutkovoy

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