Prognostic value of ceruloplasmine and malon dialdehyde blood plasma levels dynamic at the patients in urgent neurosurgical states
malon dialdehyde, ceruloplasmine, antioxidant therapyAbstract
Blood plasma levels of malon dialdehyde (MDA) and ceruloplasmine were measured in neurosurgical patients with brain traumatic injury, brain tumours resection and acute disturbance of cerebral blood circulation. The strong correlation of MDA high level, ceruloplasmine low level and patient’s state severity was observed. Thus, ceruloplasmine and MDA blood plasma levels as the markers of oxidative stress may be used in neurosurgical patient’s for complications their state monitoring, complications’ prognosis and antioxidant therapy application.
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Copyright (c) 2007 I. G. Vasilyeva, N. P. Olexenko, O. I. Tsyubko, M. I. Dolgova, N. G. Chopik, E. S. Galanta

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