The cerebellum medulloblastomas extended growth and metastasing peculiarities
медулобластома «класичного» типу, десмопластична медулобластома, патоморфологія, продовжений ріст, метастазуванн.Abstract
The clinicomorphological analysis was made of 22 patients, were operated for medulloblastomas (MB) in 1987–2006. Extended growth and/or metastasis affection in various terms after the first operation was verified; for important factors determination of MB extended growth and metastasing prognosis.
It has been identified, that mitotic activity is not a reliable prognostic factor for MB progredient course. MB proliferative potention, based on Ki-67 index, was in average (31,56±3,43)% at first operation and (32,78±1,2)% at second. High indices of apoptosis (more than 1,5%) in MB correlates with increasing risk of metastasing. Desmoplastic variant of MB was identified only in children and characterized by more aggressive course with further faraway metastasis in cerebrum and spinal cord, Ki-67 and apoptosis levels were very high.
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