Modern aspects of posterior fusion for surgical treatment of injuries and disorders of the cervical spine


  • A. E. Barysh Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology named after prof. M.I.Sitenko, NAMS Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine



cervical spine, injury, disorders, back arthrodesing cervicospondylosis


Outcomes of surgical treatment of 15 patients with the cervical spine injuries and disorders of different localization by means of a novel technology of posterior fusion with a device on the base of rods developed at the clinic are presented. An analysis of these outcomes with help of developed criteria for comprehensive estimation of surgery performed, allows to speak well about effectiveness and safety of the technology proposed for posterior fusion of different length and localization as well as with presence of defects in posterior supporting structures of the cervical functional spinal units.


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How to Cite

Barysh, A. E. (2006). Modern aspects of posterior fusion for surgical treatment of injuries and disorders of the cervical spine. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 65–73.



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