Diagnosis of pituitary adenoma with apoplectic course
аденома гіпофіза, порушення кровообігу в пухлині, інсультоподібний перебіг, діагностика, гіпофізарна апоплексія, гіпопітуїтаризмAbstract
Results of 69 patients with apoplectic course of pituitary adenomas treatment were analyzed. A lot of clinical difficulties for proper diagnosis and adequate treatment such as various kinds of disease acute onset, mental deterioration, visual loss, cranial nerves palsies, pituitary insufficiency were found. Patients with pituitary adenomas and intratumorous apoplexy need rapid diagnostics. The complex study of those patients must include plain craniography, CT and MRI. MR-angio-study or angiography may solve the most complicated cases (differentiation from aneurysms).
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