The topography peculiarities of carotid vessels aneurysms
артеріальні аневризми, артеріальне коло великого мозку, топографоанатомічні особливостіAbstract
The peculiarities of anterior semicircular of the arterial circle of Willis saccular aneurysms’ topography in comparison with variants of path, branching and cerebral vessels anastomosing based on results of anatomic and angiographical investigation are presented. These datas could be used by neurosurgeons for determination of approach, methods and surgical management in patients with saccular aneurysms of this region.
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Copyright (c) 2006 M. I. Shamaev, O. A. Tsimeyko, I. I. Skorokhoda, T. A. Malysheva, V. V. Moroz, Nuredin Shahin

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