Transnasal-transsphenoidal cryodestruction of pituitary adenomas
Stereotactic selective transnasal-transsphenoidal cryodestruction, pituitary adenoma, endoscopy.Abstract
Pituitary tumours are diagnosed in average at 2,7–22% of all tumours of central nervous system. The miniinvasive methods of such tumours treatment with endoscope application became wide used during last years. Stereotatctic cryodestruction of pituitary adenomas — is one of these methods.
The analysis of 53 cases of pituitary adenoma’s surgical treatment using stereotactic selective transnasal-transsphenoidal cryodestruction with application of rigid endoscope was carried out.
Treatment results are estimated as good at 91% cases, as satisfactory — at 9%.
The obtained results show that method is effective enough and is reasonable for further introduction in clinical practice.References
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