Intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
черепно-мозкова травма, внутрішньочерепний тиск, внутрішньочерепна гіпертензія, церебральний перфузійний тиск, шкала ком Глазго, комп’ютерна томографія.Abstract
The indications and evaluation approaches of the intracranial pressure monitoring (ICP) in patients with severe brain injury were summarized. The main attention was paid to the study of the literature sources based on the evidence–based medicine principles. In the department of cerebral neurotraumatology l the ICP monitoring was inculcated in 2006. In details the installation techniques of the ICP probe and data registration were described. It was performed analyses of efficiency and safety of this method in 22 patients with severe brain injury.
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