Nosocomial infections in neurosurgery: the problems and approaches towards the solution.Prevention of nosocomial infections in accordance to the principles evidence-based medicine
nosocomial infections, surgical site infection, pneumonia, intravascular device-related infection, urinary tract infection, prevention, diagnostics, antibiotics.Abstract
In this review article currently available data on the prevention of nosocomial infections at neurosurgical patients were discussed in accordance to the principles evidence-based medicine. The large attention was given to basic groups of nosocomial infections — postoperative craniocerebral inflammatory complications, including the surgical site infection, and extracranial complications — pneumonia, intravascular device-related infection, urinary tract infection. A method of classifying of neurosurgical operations was submitted to identify patients at the highest risk of developing the nosocomial infections and effective regimens of the antimicrobial prophylaxis. In connection with absence of the National antiepidemic Programs and argued practice guidelines on the given problem the material deserves attentive study and introduction in the neurosurgical practice.References
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