When neurosurgery became a specialty
This article aims to demonstrate the specificity of neurosurgery development as a separate specialty in different countries (USA,Canada,UK,USSR,FranceandGermany) based on a system approach. Three main factors are crucial for the emergence of a clinical specialty (in our situation - neurosurgery) — social-historical, scientific and institutional. Each factor has several components.
Social-historical factor includes wars and societal development level. Scientific factor is represented by achievements in science that gave rise to modern surgery. At the same time neurosurgery was an experimental polygon for testing physiological concepts, determining the role of specific brain structures in normal and pathological conditions. The scientific factor has the following components: development of special diagnostic methods, surgical instruments and new operative accesses.
Institutional factor implies the emergence of leaders with their own style of clinical and scientific activity, who set up surgery schools, staff training systems, specialized departments and institutes, professional societies and journals.
Thus, the interwar period of 1920-1930 of the 20st century saw the makings of neurosurgery as a specialty with its own philosophy, methods, instruments and scientific interests.
The theory of discipline-making factors, which developed on the basis of a system approach to genesis of neurosurgery, may help analyze the making and development of other medical disciplines both in the global and national context.
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