Study of plant lectins anti-tumor action on glioma cells of different stages of anaplasia
gliomas, cytotoxity action of lymphocytes, antitumor immunity, lectinsAbstract
A direct cytotoxity effect of lectins: soybean (SBA), laburnum anagyroides agglutinin (LABA), peanut agglutinin (PNA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), lentil lectin (LCL), mistletoe lectin (Mil) on the glioma cells of different stages of anaplasia using a colorimetry MTT-method were studied. The influence of lectin modification of tumor cell membranes on their sensitiveness to cytotoxity action of allogenic lymphocytes in patients and healthy donors was also studied. It was established that different plant lectins could cause both death or proliferation when interacting with tumor cells.
The most marked cytotoxity effect on glioma cells was produced by peanut lectin. The peanut lectin boosted glioma cells sensitiveness to cytotoxity action of allogenic lymphocytes in patients and donors during short-term cultivation with glioma cells, which offers a possibility of further study of its properties for the modification of tumor cells and their use as immunotherapeutic vaccines in combined treatment of neurooncological patients.
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Copyright (c) 2009 N. I. Lisyany, I. A. Gnedkova, M. A. Gnedkova, V. D. Rozumenko, A. Ya. Glavatsky, T. A. Malysheva, A. A. Shmeleva

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