The research of apoptosis in mononuclear lymphocytes of peripheral blood and tumor cells at patients with glial brain tumors
apoptosis, mononuclear lymphocytes of peripheral blood, gliomas, medulloblastomasAbstract
The purpose of our research was apoptosis study in mononuclear lymphocytes of peripheral blood (MNLPB) and tumor samples from patients with intracranial brain tumors. Patients with glial tumors comparing with healthy persons demonstrated increased quantity of lymphocytes in state of apoptotic. Hoechst33342+ and CD95+ cell amount in MNLPB of patients with gliomas decreased as the anaplasia degree of glioma grew, so as РІ+ cell level that determine irreversible apoptosis, increased as anaplasia degree of glioma grew, that may reflect different suppressors influence on lymphocytes in dependence of the tumor anaplasia degree. In gliomas of the IV anaplasia degree comparing to gliomas of II and III anaplasia degrees, the cells quantity in terminal stage of apoptosis (РІ+) was minimal, quantity of CD95+ cells, carrying receptor for apoptosis readiness was also minimal, the level of cells at early, reversible stages of apoptosis was meddle (Hoechst33342+). The РІ+ cells quantity decreased as anaplasia degree of glioma grew. In MNLPB of patients with medulloblastomas the level of readiness for apoptosis, convertible and irreversible lesions increased, that was conditioned by molecular-genetic features of these tumors.
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