The state of free-radical processes and antioxidant protection system at brain gliomas in clinic and experiment
головний мозок, гліальна пухлина, перекисне окиснення ліпідів, система антиоксидантного захисту.Abstract
Recent data of literature, which have shown that development of brain tumors is tightly connected with pro- and antioxidant status destabilization at patient’s organism. The purpose of our research was to study state of free-radical processes and antioxidant protection (AOP) system in blood of patients with malignant brain tumors; and to research the activity of lipid peroxidation process (LPP) and AOP system in brain and blood of experimental animals, which underwent the transplantation of glioma’s A-101.8. In blood of patients with brain tumors the LPP activity increases while the activity of AOP system enzymes decreases. Experimental researches have revealed the cross-correlation connection of LPP destabilization processes in the brain and blood of animals and tumor growth intensity, followed the implantation of glioma A-101.8. The reliable increase of LPP activity in the brain of experimental animals has been demonstrated while the activity of AOP system was depressed.
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