Preoperative functional MRI as noninvasive method of mapping of the brain cortex at gliomas which amaze functionally significant zones
гліома, функціональна магнітно-резонансна томографія, МР-венографія, сенсомоторна зона кори головного мозку, картування кори мозку.Abstract
Results of tool inspection of 36 patients with glial tumours of a different degree of malignancy which were localized nearby or directly in sensorimotor area of a cortex of a brain, by means of techniques MRI, MR-venography and functional MRI are analysed. Use of the given techniques has allowed to spend mapping cortex of hemispheres of a brain with visualization of local areas of activation and their extrapolation on corresponding anatomic structures of a brain, has enabled to determine a degree of risk of occurrence of neurologic deficiency already on preoperation a stage, promoted optimization of medical tactics and minimization of undesirable consequences of surgical intervention, increase of safety.References
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Copyright (c) 2008 O. Yu. Chuvashova, V. D. Rozumenko, A. Ya. Glavatskiy, G. V. Hmelnitskiy

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