Nearest and remote results of lumbar intervertebrate disk herniation“ of marginal dimensions surgical treatment
microsurgical discectomy, endoscopic discectomy, laser vaporization, conservative treatment, hernia border sizes, lumbar intervertebral discsAbstract
The analysis of nearest and remote results of 120 patients with lumbar intervertebrate disks“ herniations of marginal dimensions (5–8 mm) surgical treatment was performed. Primary patients“ condition was the same. Patients with slight clinical symptoms and severe radiculo- and polyradiculopathias were excluded. Patients were divided into 4 clinical groups (30 persons in each) due to treatment method: microsurgery microdiskectomy, endoscopic microdiskectomy, laser vaporization and conservative treatment (controls). The best nearest results were observed in microsurgical and endoscopic microdiskectomy groups, but remote results were better in laser vaporization group. In the group was the smallest amount of temporary invalidity days during first 3 years. Conservative treatment demonstrated minimal effectiveness.
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