The method of intraoperative prophylaxis of epidural haematoma relapse
черепно-мозкова травма, епідуральна гематома, релапс мозку (РМ), резервний простір, тверда оболонка головного мозку, профілактика рецидивуAbstract
The comparative analysis of various methods of epidural haematoma relapse intraoperative prophylaxis were presented. The technique being proposed includes as follows: a back-up space after epidurai haematoma has been removed is artificialy eliminated by means of puiting the dura mater upwards with ligatures which are placed to it as sutures both around and in the center of trepanationat opening and then exterminated onto the skin and fixed on gauze swabs. From 137 patients in 24 the haemostasis was stable after surgery.There were no relapses. The method proposed is simple, highly effective for epidural haematoma relapse preventing as well as it shortens the duration of operation and reduces intraoperative blood loss.
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