Use of clinical-electrophysiological methods of investigation in treatment stages of the facial injuries
лицевий нерв, травма, невропатія, діагностика, електроміографія, мигальний рефлексAbstract
180 patients with different facial nerve injuries in age bis 1 month till 73 years were the object of the clinical-instrumental investigations. Between 132 (73%) patients operated on: facial nerve neurotisation by nerve-donors — in 87,1%, nerve raphe — in 5,3%, nerve autoplastics — in 5,3%, muscle transposition — in 2,3%. Data of pre-, intra- and postoperative investigations were estimated statistically and suggest, that electrophysiological indicators as amplitude of compound muscle potential and blink-reflex component latenties had most exactness, sensitivity and specificity. Proposed 6-grade clinical-ENMG scale for evaluate severity of injury ensured choise of the optimal treatment tactics, prognostic criteria, estimation of terms recovery and its effectivity. Diagnostics algorhythm on treatment stages of the facial injuries have been elaborated.
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