Gunshot wounds to the head in the peace time


  • V. V. Mogila Crimea State Medical University named after S.I.Georgievskiy, Simferopol, Ukraine
  • K. V. Syomkin Crimea State Medical University named after S.I.Georgievskiy, Simferopol, Ukraine


head, arms-blast injuries, time of peace, assault, accident, suicide attempts


In the past twelve years a dramatic increase in the incidence of gunshot wounds to the head in the peace time in Ukraine. The current increase in firearm-related violence remains of concern to neurosurgeons in particular and to the community as a whole. Such injuries can be the result of numerous intentional or unintentional events. This article focuses on some problems of these wounds and concludes.


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How to Cite

Mogila, V. V., & Syomkin, K. V. Gunshot wounds to the head in the peace time. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 50–53. Retrieved from



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