Epstein-Barr virus infection with nervous system damage: clinic, diagnostics, classification and treatment
вірус Епштейна—Барра (EBV), ураження центральної нервової системи, ганцикловір (цимевен), пегасис (пегельований a-2а-інтерферон)Abstract
On the basis of own observations — 45 patients with a defeat of nervous system the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in replicative stage and literature dated the classification of defeats of nervous system EBV are presented. The opportunity of development of etiology associative defeats a CNS by a virus EBV is proved: herpes virus, associated with HIV, HTLV-1, Toxoplasma gondii and other agents. The results of laboratory analyses of blood, spinal cerebral liquid, immune status, probable changes on MRI of a brain are submitted. Use of the combined treatment as ganciclovir (cymevene) with and a-2а-interferon (roferon-A) has shown the best results in comparison with therapy aciclovir and a-2b-interferon.
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