Some features of supplying B group vitamins in patients with glial and metastatic brain tumors in preoperative period


  • Z. V. Saldan Municipal City Clinical Hospital N8, Lviv, Ukraine



glial and metastatic brain tumors, B group vitamins, homeostasis


General conformities to law of supplying B group vitamins in patients with primary glial and metastatic brain tumors using loading with vitamins before operation with determination of their concentration in blood serum and day’s urine were educed.
The concentration of vitamins at all patients’ blood serum and day’s urine was significantly lower than in control without dependence of brain tumor type. The additional prescribing of В1, В2 and В6 vitamins before operation allowed to save that level of excreted vitamins, which was observed at all patients after hospitalization.
At patients with glioma of 1–2 and 3–4 degrees of anaplasia and metastatic tumors and meningosarcoma the expressed deficit of B group vitamins was found out. Additional setting of group B vitamins in complex treatment led to stabilization of their exchange in organism, but did not remove their deficit. Further researches are needed for development of rational vitaminotherapy in the complex of combined treatment of patients with brain tumors.


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How to Cite

Saldan, Z. V. (2010). Some features of supplying B group vitamins in patients with glial and metastatic brain tumors in preoperative period. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 27–30.



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