Influence of fetal tissues transplantation on the brain serotoninergic systems in experimental animals after traumatic brain injury


  • Boris Baranenko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Vitaliy Tsymbaliuk Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Irina Vasileva Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Nataliya Chopik Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



severe brain injury, transplantation, fetal nervous tissue, fetal muscular tissue, serotonin, experiment


Introduction. Taking into consideration the high frequency of complications after severe traumatic brain injury (STBI), caused mainly by different brain neuromediator systems integrative disfunctions, a search of methods for their correction is the actual task of neurotraumatology.

Materials and methods. We investigated serotonin and its’ metabolite — 5-hydroxyindolylacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels in structures of brain of experimental animals after STBI, and also influence of fetal nervous (FNT) and fetal muscular (FMT) tissues transplantation on these indexes using high performative method of liquid chromatography.

Results. It was found that serotonin and 5-HIAA levels in the cortex of left (damaged) hemisphere significantly decreased and 30 days after trauma in the hypothalamus of experimental animals serotonin level decreased, but level of 5-HIAA increased. In animals, in which in 2 hours after STBI FNT was transplanted, 5-HIAA level was within a reference level, while serotonin level considerably decreased.

Conclusions. FNT transplantation has the stimulating influence on indolamines’ metabolism, but does not result in complete renewing of serotonin level in some structures of the brain 30 days after STBI. FMT transplantation has strong stimulating influence on the level of serotonin in experimental animals’ brain, testifying to it’s generalized trophic influence on the serotoninergic neurons.

Author Biographies

Boris Baranenko, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Neurobiochemistry Department

Vitaliy Tsymbaliuk, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Restorative Neurosurgery Department

Irina Vasileva, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Neurobiochemistry Department

Nataliya Chopik, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Neurobiochemistry Department


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How to Cite

Baranenko, B., Tsymbaliuk, V., Vasileva, I., & Chopik, N. (2012). Influence of fetal tissues transplantation on the brain serotoninergic systems in experimental animals after traumatic brain injury. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 18–23.



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