Pathogenesis, clinic, prognosis and prophylactics of poliorganic insufficiency at cranio-cerebral trauma
cranio-cerebral trauma, poliorganic insufficiency, lethality, infuse therapy, sorbilact, reosorbilactAbstract
27 injured persons with cranio-cerebral trauma (CCT) were inspected: in 53.4% of them poliorganic insufficiency (PI) was observed at hospitalization, in 27.6% — the syndrome of system inflammatory response (SIRS). Frequency of PI and SIRS origin depends on patients’ age and state according to Glasgow coma scale, trauma severity, concomitant diseases, inflammatory complications. The PI prophylaxis includes infuse therapy with the use of sorbilact and reosorbilact. Application of modern methodology of PI prophylaxis allowed to decrease lethality at CCT.
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