Prophylaxis of damages of a radial nerve at surgical treatment of fractures of bones of a forearm and brachium



radial nerve, bone fractures of the forearm and shoulder


The reasons of radial nerve injuries in the course of osteosynthesis of bones fractures of shoulder and forearms in 44 patient, treated in the Romodanov institute of neurosurgery of АМS of Ukraine has been analysed. Amongst reasons of damaging a nerve the most often revealed its сompression by fixing plate. The using of device for fractured fragments fixations (patent of Ukraine № 17502 from. 31.10.97), developed one of the authors of this paper allows vastly to reduce risk of radial nerve compression and warn its damage.


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How to Cite

Tsymbaliuk, V., Tretyak, I., Belinskiy, P., & Sapon, N. Prophylaxis of damages of a radial nerve at surgical treatment of fractures of bones of a forearm and brachium. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 38–43. Retrieved from



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