Supraorbital and supraorbital pterional approach to the frontal cranial fossa and sellar-parasellar region. Surgical anatomy


  • Yuriy Zozulya Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Rustem Trosh Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Mikhail Shamaev Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Orest Palamar Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Vladimir Sambor Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Vladimir Rogozhyn Clinical Diagnostic Center "Health of older people" AMS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Y. Kulivnik Clinical Diagnostic Center "Health of older people" AMS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Y. Ternitskaya Clinical Diagnostic Center "Health of older people" AMS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


cranio basal approach, supraorbital approach, supraorbital-pterional approach, the anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, meningiomas, surgical anatomy


Given detailed description of surgical anatomy the supraorbital and the supraorbital-pterional approaches for the treatment of frontal cranial fossa and sellar-parasellar region pathologies. Presented their advantages in comparison with subfrontal and fronto-temporal approaches as well as highlighted their use for treatment large tumors located to the frontal cranial fossa, sellar-parasellar region.


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How to Cite

Zozulya, Y., Trosh, R., Shamaev, M., Palamar, O., Sambor, V., Rogozhyn, V., Kulivnik, Y., & Ternitskaya, Y. Supraorbital and supraorbital pterional approach to the frontal cranial fossa and sellar-parasellar region. Surgical anatomy. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 84–91. Retrieved from



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