The influence of cultivated autogenous nucleus pulposus cells on structure of intervertebral discs of caudal spine at osteochondrosis model in rats
spine, osteochondrosis, asymmetric compression-distension, autogenic cells of intervertebral disc, implantation, histological changes, morphometric indices, experimentAbstract
Introduction. The unsolved problem of treatment of intervertebral discs degenerative changes and new cellular technologies development open new possibilities for researches in the different directions, one of which is restoration of structurally-functional properties of the diseased tissues.
Materials and methods. In experiment in rats with model of constant and temporary asymmetric static compression-distension (ASCD) of caudal spine, dynamics of histological changes and morphometric values of intervertebral disc (IVD) tissues were studied, including after implantation of suspension of cultivated autogenous cells of nucleus pulposus.
Results. It was found that autocells implantation has multilateral positive influence on IVD tissues condition: reduces their asymmetry in comparison to the side of compression and distension, frequency of large foci of necrosis in anulus fibrosus (AF).
Conclusions. The parameters, reflecting IVD-tissues reactions on mechanical influence, depend moderately on autocells implantation, at the same time the parameters of IVD tissues condition after ischemic lesion in particular size of foci of AF necrosis on the side of distension and amount of necrotic cells in AF had a tends to optimization in discs with implanted autocells.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Valeriy Grigorovsky, Mykhaylo Khyzhnyak, Irina Vasileva, Irina Shuba, Yuriy Gafiychuk

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