Migration features of labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in rats with modeled Parkinson-like syndrome
Parkinson-like syndrome, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, transplantation, fluorochrome-labeled cells, cell migration, experiment.Abstract
The purpose. To study localization of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM MSC), labeled by green (DiO C18) and red (Rhod Chol) vital fluorochromes, after intravenous (IV) and intracerebral (IC) transplantation into rats with modeled Parkinson-like syndrome (PS).
Materials and methods. The animals were divided into 3 groups, each of 6: I — control, IV and IC administration of labeled BM MSC; II — PS model and IV administration of green BM MSC; III — PS and IC transplantation of red BM MSC. Cell transplantation was performed on the 7th day after PS modeling. MSCs transplantation effectiveness was assessed by decrease of motor disorders degree, localization of fluorochrome labeled cells in the organs of rats was detected on cryosections of brain, lung, spleen, heart, kidneys and liver on the 4th and 9th day after MSC injection using fluorescence microscope.
Results. Fluorescent vital dyes DiO C18 (green) and Rhod Chol (red) can be effectively used to study MSCs properties in culture and their migration in the body of experimental animals. Selective migration of transplanted labeled BM MSCs to damaged areas of the brain damage at PS modeling in rats was shown.
Conclusions. For MSCs delivery in the brain damaged area their IC and less invasive IV transplantation can be used.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Vladimir Pyatikop, Mohammad Ahmad Msallam Jr, Elena Shchegelskaya, Igor Kutovoy, Galina Gubina-Vakulik

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