The urgent surgical treatment of hypothisis adenoma with intratumoral haemorrhage


  • O. M. Guk Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



аденома гіпофіза, порушення кровообігу в пухлині, інсультоподібний перебіг, гіпофізарна апоплексія, транссфеноїдальна нейрохірургія, гіпопітуїтаризм


23 cases of urgent neurosurgical treatment and their results were analysed among 74 operations in patients with pituitary adenomas and intratumoral apoplexy. Indications for urgent transsphenoidal surgery in those patients were mental deteriorations, rapid visual loss, and pituitary insufficiency. Better results have been obtained in patients operated within 7 days of onset of disease. Transnasal transsphenoidal approach was mentioned to be adequate and less traumatic in all patients.


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How to Cite

Guk, O. M. (2005). The urgent surgical treatment of hypothisis adenoma with intratumoral haemorrhage. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 94–96.



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