Description of combination damages of ulnar nerve


  • V. I. Tsymbalyuk Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • M. A. Enikeev Kerch territorial medical association, Kerch, Ukraine



ulnar nerve, associated injuries, multiple injuries


The article is based on the analysis of 398 ulnar nerve traumatic injury cases on different levels. Combinations of ulnar nerve injury were observed in 210 (52,8%) patients. Multiple ulnar nerve injury and trauma of several anatomic structures met in 87 (41,4%) observations. At open ulnar nerve damage frequency of combined injury achieved 179 (85,2%) cases. Most frequently combinations met in the forearm lower third — 57,6% of all injuries in this area.


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How to Cite

Tsymbalyuk, V. I., & Enikeev, M. A. (2006). Description of combination damages of ulnar nerve. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 63–65.



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