Management of patients with severe brain injury with application of L-Lysin aescinat medication


  • P. V. Spasichenko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine


traumatic brain injury, cerebral edema, treatment, L-Lysin aescinat


At 140 patients with a heavy brain trauma, by the centers of a bruise of a head brain with absent brain edema in a complex of intensive therapy is investigated therapeutic efficiency and endurance of a preparation “Solution L-Lysin aescinat 0,1 % for injections”, developed in Kharkov GSCMD under the direction of the Chaika L.А. and representing water soluble saline of saponin aescinat (extracted) from the offspring of horse chestnut and aminoacid L-Lysin. Salt diuretics, osmotic diuretics and corticosteroids with antiedema purpose at these patients were not applied.

The control group of the patients of 50 injured is surveyed to which the preparation was not applied.

L-Lysin aescinat normalizing vascular-tissue permeability, increasing venous tone, reducing venous blood stagnation, improves blood circulation in small vessels, as well it has membrane stabilizing effect and moderate analgesic activity. Such action resulting in a various clinical effects: improvement of general patient’s condition, reduction of the degree of general and focal neurological disturbances, reduction of the intensity of meningeal symptoms. L-Lysin aescinat has an ability to prevent development of brain edema, of compression and displacement of brain structures, it is providing control of intracranial hypertension and brain contusion area.

This drug demonstrates significant immunocorrecting activity, eliminate stressing hyperglycemia.


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How to Cite

Spasichenko, P. V. Management of patients with severe brain injury with application of L-Lysin aescinat medication. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 33–41. Retrieved from



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