Multimodal neuronavigation using in surgery of brain tumors




brain tumors, surgical treatment, multimodal neuronavigation, functionally important brain areas


The experience of multimodal neuronavigation using at patients with brain tumors surgical treatment is presented. Multimodal neuronavigation allows simultaneous using of different neuroiradiological methods’ data for surgical intervention planning before operation and intraoperative orientation at brain tumors resection. The use of neuronavigation in neurooncology allows to improve tumor resection, to avoid damage of functionally important brain areas, and to reduce the risk of postoperative neurological deficit.


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How to Cite

Rozumenko, V. D., & Rozumenko, A. V. (2010). Multimodal neuronavigation using in surgery of brain tumors. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 51–57.



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