Correction of haemostasiologic syndromesfor a treatment of the subarachnoidal hemorrhages at the perioperative period


  • O. A. Tsimejko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • L. I. Romanenko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • A. A. Ivaschina Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • A. I. Aldarf Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine


hemostatic syndrome, hypervolemic hemodilution, arterial aneurysm.


Two pathological mechanisms are in center of attention for a treatment of the patients with subarachnoidal hemorrhages after a break of arterial aneurysms of a brain: a cerebral vasospasm and ischemia of a brain. We observed a cerebral vasospasm at realization of an angiography and clinically in 60 % of cases at this pathology, in 40 % — the cerebral vasospasm was complicated by an ischemia of a brain, in 7,2 %—13,8 %       —15 % of cases resulted in failures. One of the probable reasons of development of an ischemia can be infringement haemorheological and haemostasis of parameters. The parameters adequately reflecting a condition haemocoagulants, fibrinolytic, anticoagulants of systems were investigated at 48 patients with arterial aneurysms in perioperative period. We have compared parities between haemocoagulants, haemostasis in parameters and data neurologic, angiography, tomography and dopplerography of researches. The received results have allowed us to allocate and to describe haemostasiologic polysyndromic variants of current of the postoperative period after clipping of aneurysms: 1. Normocoagulation in 41,7% cases; 2. Hypercoagulation and hyperaggregation in 27 % of cases; 3. Hypercoagulation and deppression of a fibrinolysis — 25%; 4. Hypocoagulation —2,1 %; 5. Development Desseminated intravascular coagulation of a blood — 4,2 of %. These data have allowed us to apply in the postoperative period the following principles of an intensive care: a hypervolemic hemodilution, controlled hypertension, therapy by calcium blockers, fibrinolytic. For treatment and prevention of ischemic complications in the second group of the patients we successfully used a method of a hypervolemic hemodilution.


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How to Cite

Tsimejko, O. A., Romanenko, L. I., Ivaschina, A. A., & Aldarf, A. I. Correction of haemostasiologic syndromesfor a treatment of the subarachnoidal hemorrhages at the perioperative period. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 46–50. Retrieved from



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