Surgical treatment results of cerebral malformations at children




arterial aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, venous malformations, surgical treatment, treatment results, children


The results of treatment of 381 children with arterial aneurysms (72), arteriovenous (253) and venous (56) malformations of the brain are given. Patients’ age was from the first days of life till 18 years and it was not a defining indicator for treatment results. The measures of treatment at brain vascular defeats at children included “open” microsurgical, endovascular operations, radiosurgery and their combinations. The general lethality was 0.5%, postoperative — 0.6%. The nearest postoperative results were estimated as improvement in 57.2% cases, without changes — in 36.3%, state worsening — in 5.9%. The remote results were estimated according to the scale of quality of life. High quality of life was observed in 56.5% of all children after various kinds of surgical treatment. The index was higher at venous (83.3%) and arterial malformations (81.5%) and much more low — at arteriovenous malformations (45.5%).


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How to Cite

Zozulya, Y. A., & Orlov, M. Y. (2010). Surgical treatment results of cerebral malformations at children. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 39–44.



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