The Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal in the light of the scientometrics




Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, scientometric index, Ukrainian Science Citation Index, Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science, SciVerse Scopus


Scientometric database is a search engine and it’s also a tool to monitor citations of scientific publications. Scientometric indicators characterize the state of journal and the dynamics of its demand, determine the extent of publication activity and citation rates.

Ukrainian Science Citation Index (USCI) is created for scientometric monitoring of individual and collective subjects of scientific activity in Ukraine. But unfortunately USCI is not count scientometric indicators of scientific editions.

Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is the only Cyrillic scientometric database. Analytical tools SCIENCE INDEX by RSCI a complex analytical and statistical study, which provides data on publications and citations of articles and assess the level of scientific journals. For most scientometric indicators of Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal (UNJ) ranks high in the rankings among the 63 scientific medical journals of Ukraine and 7 journal of CIS countries on the subject of “neurosurgery”, included in the base of RSCI.

International practice scientometric research is based on using two databases Web of Science and SciVerse Scopus. UNJ is not included in the database.

An important objective of the editorial board UNJ is to increase the scientific and practical level of journal and its further integration into the abstract database and scientometric database.

Author Biographies

Yuriy Zozulya, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Scientific Organizational Department

Nikolay Sapon, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Scientific Organizational Department

Anna Nikiforova, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Scientific Organizational Department


1. Soloviyanenko D. Ukrainian scientific citation index [Internet]. National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”; 2014. [cited 2015 August 01]. Available at:

2. Testa J. The Thomson Reuters Journal Selection Process [Internet]. Web of Science Thomson Reuters; 2013. [cited 2015 August 06]. Available at:

3. Scopus Content Coverage Guide [Internet] Elsevier; 2014. [cited 2015 August 06]. Available at:

4. Kirillova OV. Redaktsionnaya podgotovka nauchnykh zhurnalov po mezhdunarodnym standartam. Rekomendatsii eksperta BD Scopus [Editorial preparation of scientific journals on international standards. The recommendations of the expert of the database Scopus]. V. 1. [Internet]. Moscow: Boris Perli; 2013. 90 p. [cited 2015 August 30]. Russian. Available at:



How to Cite

Zozulya, Y., Sapon, N., & Nikiforova, A. (2016). The Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal in the light of the scientometrics. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 5–13.



Review articles