The influence of syndromes of system inflammatory response and poliorganic insufficiency on purulent-inflammatory complications frequency at patients with cranio-cerebral trauma


  • Sergiy Minov Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Leonard Chepkiy Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Ruslan Gavrysh Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



cranio-cerebral trauma, purulent-inflammatory complications, syndrome of systematic inflammatory response, syndrome of poliorganic insufficiency, deescalative therapy


The development of purulent-inflammatory complications (PIC) at patients with cranio-cerebral trauma (CCN) is promoted by syndromes of system inflammatory response (SSIRS) and poliorganic insufficiency (SPI), their signs are detected in first hours after trauma. PIC, in their turn, promote SPI development. The influence of early SSIRS and SPI on frequency of PIC at CCT is studied not enough.

227 injured persons with CCT were inspected. In 60.5% of them PIC was revealed with respiratory system disorder, in 13% — from CNS, in 9.9% — sepsis, in 16.5% — combined complications.

PIC frequency sufficiently depended on CCT severity, accompanied diseases, SSIRS and SPI, expressiveness of CNS functions disorders, and in less degree — alcohol concentration in blood.

Presence of two and more signs of early SPI the risk of PIC increases twice, two and more signs of SSIRS — in 2.4 times, that grounds early deescalative therapy expedience and let decrease lethality of patients with CCT because of PIC from 22 to 12.3%, the pneumonia frequency — from 60.5 to 47%.


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How to Cite

Minov, S., Chepkiy, L., & Gavrysh, R. (2011). The influence of syndromes of system inflammatory response and poliorganic insufficiency on purulent-inflammatory complications frequency at patients with cranio-cerebral trauma. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 66–70.



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