Surgical treatment of postoperative arachnoid cysts, imitating relapse of brain glial tumors


  • Sabir Etibarly Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku; Republic Neurosurgical Hospital, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • K. Dadashov Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • E. Novruzov Republic Neurosurgical Hospital, Baku, Azerbaijan



arachnoid cysts, gliomas, hypertension, CТ and MRI, shunting


Neurological status and results of surgical treatment of 28 patients with brain arachnoid cysts, earlier been operated because of astrocytomas of brain hemispheres, were analyzed. Depending on cysts’ size and localization next operations have been performed: scrappy craniotomy, cyst-peritoneal shunting and Omaya tank shunting. In result it was established that arachnoid cysts are slowly nonmalignant process, conservative therapy inefficiency is the indication to their operative removal.


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How to Cite

Etibarly, S., Dadashov, K., & Novruzov, E. (2011). Surgical treatment of postoperative arachnoid cysts, imitating relapse of brain glial tumors. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 53–55.



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