The role of perineurium in modern reconstructive-renewing surgery of peripheral nerves


  • Yuriy Lisaychuk Kiev Medical University of Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine, Kiev,, Ukraine
  • Valeriy Bovkun Kiev Medical University of Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine, Kiev,, Ukraine
  • Oleg Goncharuk 1st Kiev Municipal Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Roman Chetverus 1st Kiev Municipal Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Iryna Savitskaya Kiev Medical University of Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine, Kiev,, Ukraine



peripheral nerve, perineurium, reconstructive-renewing surgery, perineural stitch, direct neurotisation, end-to-side nerve’s stitch, collateral sprouting


Own experience of perineurium features research in modern reconstructive-renewing microsurgery of damaged peripheral nerves is presented. In experimental part of the peripheral nerves research carried out on 102 rats interrelation of perineurium and axon tissue at fascicular (perineural) stitch were studied, quality of direct muscle neurotisation and procedure of end-to-side nerve’s stitch were improved. In clinical part of the research specific features of microsurgical nerve stitch, and also of direct muscle neurotisation are given that approve feasibilities of end-to-side connection of peripheral nerves.


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How to Cite

Lisaychuk, Y., Bovkun, V., Goncharuk, O., Chetverus, R., & Savitskaya, I. (2011). The role of perineurium in modern reconstructive-renewing surgery of peripheral nerves. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (2), 37–41.



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