Microwave resonance therapy experience of some cerebrovascular pathology forms


  • V. Kuzmenko Research Center for Quantum Medicine "Vidguk", Kiev, Ukraine


cerebrovascular disease, atherosclerosis, microwave resonance therapy


We used the microwave resonance therapy (MRT) for treatment of 2000 patients with preinsultic form of cerebro-vascular pathology caused by atherosclerosis. Results of the treatment were analysed over the peried of 15 years(1986—2000).

We performed an appraisal of the MRT use on the basis of data comparison between disease dynamics clinical picture with paraclinical analyses (reoencephalography, electro¬encephalography, termography, cholesterine change analisis, immunity and macro... readings).

The obtained data analysis demonstrated that the clinical-instrumental-laboratoric indexes were improved at 80% patients after MRT course. Furthermore, a remission was kept during about a year at 65% patients. We noted some observations where the remission was retained up to 10 years at the patients with atherosclerotic discirculatoric encephalopathy.


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How to Cite

Kuzmenko, V. Microwave resonance therapy experience of some cerebrovascular pathology forms. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 86–88. Retrieved from https://theunj.org/article/view/56838



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