Clinic- radiology’s standardization of medical — diagnostic measures by helping patients with acute brain injuries


  • Anatoliy Kardash Gorkiy Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine
  • Sergey Semisalov Gorkiy Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine


brain injury, algorithmic system diagnostics, computed tomography


9279 cases of acute scull injury were studied. All information is introduced by computing environment Power Builder 6.5 into database. According to receipted returns is formed the role and importance both clinic- radiology’s and computer- tomosynthetic research by standardization of quality of medical — diagnostic measures by this category of patients.

Suggested terms of secondary computer- tomosynthetic research are caused both clinic- neurological peculiarities of different severity of injury and pathophysiological processes in injury Brain.

The diagnostic- medicated algorithm by traumatically Brain’s compression allows quickly and most optimal to take one’s bearings in necessity of repetition of computer- tomosynthetic research by dynamics, what considerable makes easier and most rational standardization of quality of medical — diagnostic measures by patients with acute scull injury.


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How to Cite

Kardash, A., & Semisalov, S. Clinic- radiology’s standardization of medical — diagnostic measures by helping patients with acute brain injuries. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 78–81. Retrieved from



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