The change of concentration of D-Dimers in disorders of haemostasis at patients with cranio-cerebral trauma


  • Oleksandr Potapov Jr Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine


traumatic brain injury, hemostasis, fibrin degradation products, D-dimers


Analized the results of investigations of D-Dimers (D-D) in blood from 74 patients with cranio-cerebral trauma and 15 healthy men by automatized method ЕLFА (VIDAS D-Dimer, bioMeriex). At patients with hard cranio-cerebral trauma was noticed that concentration of D-Dimers increased. High concentration of D-Dimers had place at 32% of patients with hard cranio-cerebral trauma and on 17—19 days after trauma. The founding of D-D is recomended in DIС-syndrome and for control during therapy by heparine.


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How to Cite

Potapov Jr, O. The change of concentration of D-Dimers in disorders of haemostasis at patients with cranio-cerebral trauma. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 62–64. Retrieved from



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