Injury of peripheral nerves: secondary surgeries


  • Michael Tatarchuk Restorative Neurosurgery Department, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



injury of peripheral nerves, secondary surgery, EMG regeneration monitoring


Introduction. Secondary surgery is the one of less studied chapters of surgery of peripheral nerves.

Materials and methods. This study summarizes the results of secondary surgeries of 135 patients with injuries of upper extremity peripheral nerves. To evaluate the outcomes we utilized neurological examination, EMG and MRI studies.

Results. 156 injuries of peripheral nerves were present in 135 patients. Secondary surgeries which have been performed in late terms after primary surgery have several particular qualities. After secondary surgery we obtained moderate and good restoration of motion in 114 (84.4%) patients, moderate and good restoration of sensitivity in 116 (75.9%) patients.

Conclusions. Clinical and EMG monitoring of regeneration of peripheral nerves allows practitioner to define further tactics of treatment. Secondary surgery at injury of peripheral nerves improves functioning of upper extremity.


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How to Cite

Tatarchuk, M. (2013). Injury of peripheral nerves: secondary surgeries. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 55–58.



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